
Showing posts from April, 2016

Why am I different?

Everybody is different and unique in every way, we all know that for a fact. But what makes a person different is the set of traits and characteristics that he/she possess. One trait could be also anyone's trait and putting it differently to everyone is what makes us who we are, the unique feature of every individual. So this article would mention some of the traits and characteristics I've known for myself that if people would take time to read, they would know who I really am. I won't have to explain myself to them and they would understand why I am the way I am.  I am an old soul . Have you ever known a person who is an old soul? I first read an article about old soul when I was browsing my facebook newsfeed and saw a post from Psychology page. It features the characteristics and traits of a person who is an old soul and it says there that sometimes, people are often not aware they are one. I read the article and come up with a question, am I one of them? Because some de...

My 23rd Birthday Poem

On this day.. Though far from home, sad and alone In a foreign land in which I stand In the place of kings, gold and sand,  along with nations of different kinds I lift my eyes and vow to God To do His will with all my heart To ill people, whom I can find.  Give care and comfort, support and guide In winter or in summer, spring or fall Though nights are longer, days are hotter I would wake up each morning every day With a grateful heart and an uttered prayer  Safety for my loved ones and strength for the day,  For showers of blessings along the way A compassionate heart, a clarity of mind Healing for those who have been touched by my hand And On this day which I am born I thank you Lord and praise your name For the bountiful blessings I experience each day, For sending people throughout the way, For providing my needs without delay, For lighting my path, for lifting me up For years of unfailing love, guidance and protection Thank you Lord, this I pray especially on t...