I Choose To Be Single
Disclaimer: This is not a rant about being heartbroken or got dumped or choosing to be alone, but it's about realizations about life that made me come up with this decision. When you reach a certain age, society will expect you to be married, if not married then most likely engaged or in a serious relationship. Looking for a “lovelife” and searching for “the one” to spend life with “forever” like what romantic movies portray is mostly what drives and pressures most young people to go out there; travel for the sake of maybe finding it along the road, go on different social media platforms for possibility of meeting someone, be on blind dates or joining camps and retreats. I was on that road before but it isn't the case anymore. Why? Because all these years I've learned a lot about myself, I've realized a lot of things and that made me come up with these personal reasons. Reason #1 I can't imagine myself having someone to compromise and contradict my beli...