The Flawed Logic
Once in your life, you will meet someone that would leave a mark on your memory, and would teach you valuable life lessons you will never ever forget. Though his ideas seem to be flawed, for me it isn't. It's just the way he thinks, that I adapted somehow upon hours of talking to him, listening to his premises, expounding his ideas and expressing his thoughts about particular subject mostly about religion and life inconsistencies.
Smoke till death
When I asked him why he keeps on smoking though he knows the ill effects of it somewhere later in life, I remember him telling me this.. "At some point, we are all going to die. Our bodies, whether we like it or not, will wither and die. Even if it's not fair, some will live longer than the others, some will die all of a sudden. We all don't know how, but for me, when I die, I can say I chose my death. It's better to have a reason for dying than dying all of a sudden."
When something bad and unfavorable happens, people would always say, "something better is coming your way", or "something great is waiting for you", "you can do so much better next time", and "there's a purpose for everything" which according to him are all "Pampalubag-loob". Because you failed and didn't achieve what you want, didn't end up where you want to be, people will say it to comfort you in high hopes that it will make you feel better. But wouldn't it be better it we just didn't fail? That is more comforting than all of those "pampalubag-loob" (comforting) words combined.
Religious Hypocrisy
As for those who are being born and raised in a Seventh-Day Adventist community, we can't deny the fact that some or most of those who claimed to be in the right side, faithfully following and obeying the rules and commandments, are also those who think so highly of themselves. They look down for those who are struggling or those who are always in a constant battle between obedience and disobedience and think that they are way way better than those people, sometimes with contempt. They are the ones that can be called as the "Modern day Pharisees".
Loyal and Faithful
For a guy in a relationship who claimed to be loyal or faithful, those two are exactly different from each other. In terms of dishes, being loyal means you only have one favorite dish that you always choose, but it doesn't mean you don't try the other dishes as well, you also taste it but you would still come back and prefer the one that is your favorite. When you're faithful, you don't try other dishes, you stick to your only favorite, but won't you get tired of it especially when you're also curious on how other dishes would taste? So somehow, most men are loyal, and only few, or very few are faithful.
Bible authenticity
In reading the Bible, how would you be so sure that all of its words are inspired by God and not just literally piece of writing by all those authors from hundred or thousand years ago? And with all the different versions and a lot of number of translations, how are you sure that its content and meaning is still the same as what it has been originally written? Unlike the Quran, it has never been translated and even a dot hasn't been changed. There are no other versions and Muslims all over the world uses the same language and content. When you compare Bible and Quran, which do you think is more authentic? Of course the Bible is authentic, we still choose to believe other than doubt it. And as what they always it is "Because of Faith."
How I wish I can still have the chance to talk to him again. How I miss having those conversations and hearing him say those ideas that we always end up arguing about. It's not everyday that I encounter people like him who has a different viewpoint in life. He is one of those persons that has something to say. He would make you question things and would make you realize a lot, but you will learn so much from him. Flawed or not, he has a point and it just makes sense, don't you think?
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