Learning Photography

I am a person who is fascinated in arts, any form it- paintings, sculptures and the likes, and being a melinneal myself, also photographs. I appreciate creativity and admire artist of their handiwork and masterpieces. For me, being able to create art in any form is an excellent way of self-expression; a person's soul and whole-being manifestation. Turning creativity into passion and pouring one's heart to something that has depth and meaning. 

What makes real Artists 

They said everyone of us is an artist because we have unique ways of expression. Everyone has an artistic side, as children we were encouraged to draw, paint and mold. But as years go by throughout development, our focus changes as we discover things we are more inclined to, music, dancing, fashion, sports and other things. Come being a grown up and into adulthood, with all the demands of everyday living, remain only few individuals who bring it out of themselves. Having the courage to pursue and enhance the artistic side, putting efforts to master their crafts, and devoting precious time to make something out of the ordinary; that's what makes real artists different and stand out from the rest. 

Getting into Photography

Though for me, writing has become my best way to express myself, putting my thoughts and feelings into writing, describing it through the use of words, is how I am able to create stories and compositions based from my very own experiences. That is why, keeping a journal is a necessity for me and through sharing it is what keeps me motivated in continue doing it. 
The only reason why I wanted to have a DSLR camera before is to have a decent photos to use for my blogs, travelogue and inspirational articles. I never thought of photography, though I used to take a lot pictures as a remembrance. Being a sentimental person, putting pictures to articles makes it more interesting to read and gives a more vivid understanding and relatable aspect of writing, especially to travel stories. Having a description through words of the places I go to gives a detailed picture and triggers a reader's imagination, but seeing it in actual photos makes a big difference. Thus capturing pictures that tells a personal story, that is my goal in photography.

Photography as a Passion

A picture can tell a story even without words, its subject, foreground, background, composition, etc. and people can have their different interpretations. But combining it with words, putting a caption from the personal experience of a person who have gone to actually see and capture it gives the best description. As I immerse myself deeper and deeper into its world of complexity, there are a lot of things I discovered. 

Photography is not merely taking pictures, nor just simply as having an equipment. It is an art, a passion. And when we speak of passion, it is having a burning desire and enthusiasm to do something. To put one's effort immensely all for the sake of doing what you love. As for me right now, who's still figuring out what I really wanted to do with my life, it is a good diversion. A good way to discover and try out new things to find out what will my long-life passion be. As what I always say, there's no harm in trying. I may discover other things I might love more, but at least right now, I am doing something that would make my time worthwhile. Who knows that someday, this might be the only thing I may keep on doing among other things, but for now, I will enjoy the lessons, see if fascination can turn into passion and how far can it take me in this photography learning journey.  


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