Lessons from a Little Girl

         I just had my duty in Pediatrics unit and we lost a patient. All I can say is that, we had a tough day! It was one of the most unexpected circumstances that are really hard to deal with. Though what happened today is not really related to me, I still can't help but be affected.

      Losing a child must be really painful for a parent and seeing those hurt in their faces was indescribable. Seeing their pains, sorrow, agony, it was really distressing. We can't help but to empathize with them as they cry helplessly and scream out all their miseries. A very distressing moment when they had to accept the fact that their precious child is already gone. I just can't help but pray for the parents and loved-ones of that unfortunate child. At the age of 3, she passed away. Such a beautiful little girl yet wasn't able to live long enough. She would've been the next president of this country when she grow up, or perhaps a nurse like me, or whatever she wants to be. Unfortunately, she wasn't being given a chance to grow up and experience the beauty and wonders of this life.

        Above all else, I still admire that little girl for her courage. Though she died, she died fighting. I've seen how she fought for her life though she was suffering so hard, while most of us are wishing to die when faced to difficult situations. I've seen how she endured all of those procedures without complains, while most of us  complain most of the times and even got angry  at every little pain and hardships that we encounter. I've seen how she struggles breath by breath just to get enough air to fill her lungs and satisfy her bodies'need for oxygen, while most of us chooses to fill our lungs with smoke and even compromise our bodies's health by eating unhealthy foods, using harmful substances, and choosing unhealthy lifestyles.

        All I want to say is, Life is too precious to be wasted for anything. We may not be fortunate enough to have all the luxuries in life, but we can still choose to be happy. Whatever problems we are facing or whatever circumstances we may encounter, we must always choose to live. Our life is a day-to-day struggle but we have to endure all the hardships. Let's not waste our life for useless things, instead use this life to be a blessings to others. If you think that your life is a waste, then think of that little child who would be glad to have yours but did not live long enough to experience what you have. Live our life to the fullest and thank God for having your life right now.


  1. Wow... inspiring write ups from you Daphne... keep it up

  2. wow! at last may nagcomment na.. heheh thank you Rina.. :)


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